
Thursday 16 March 2017

CMC Assembly

 CMC or Communication Media Club Unisel today have assemble to gather all students of communication in Unisel in way for them to construct a new program that involving all the communication students in Unisel Shah Alam.  The venue was located at the Pro Chancellor Hall in Unisel Shah Alam.  The event were conducted by the team of CMC that are the communication student in Unisel.  The event tend to exposed students about the programs that will be held for this year. This event is compulsory for me because it is our replacement class.  As usual, a lot of communication students from diploma and bachelor students attend the event.  It was so noisy at the first due to the organizer still waiting the other students to enter the hall and waiting for the Dean of the communication faculty, Prof. Azamudin Ibrahim arrive.

At the first when I enter the hall, unfortunately I walk behind Prof by chance, I got on the chance to walk behind Prof and well I felt like so proud.  I remind air conditioner very cold in the hall but unfortunately they only switch on the fan.  Quite hot at first but after a long stay in my chambers and friends really enjoy the event.  Before the ceremony started, we sang country songs, Selangor songs and also Unisel song. We really enjoy the singing and the very best for each song we sing, they publish the lyrics.  After singing session, prayers were read by BOCC students which is Rozaime.  After prayer, the organizer has invited Nik Amirah from BOJ students namely to inform all guests about the activities that will take place in 2017.
  Prof Azamudin tend to give great speech about students nowadays.  It is more to complaining on students are more relying on the internet rather than used their own brain in thinking about the topic.  Relying too much on the internet also will make someone passive.  Moreover, by doing great program we can create a bond with students where group are more effective rather than be alone.  With group,everyone can develop more ideas rather than think alone. 

its Morphin Time !

Its Morphin Time !

zaman kanak-kanak memang seronok.  memang kalau boleh nak putar balik masa tu, memang nak kembali ke masa tu.  Sebab banyak cerita "cartoon".

Maaflah, admin sorang dalam group ni memang kaki cerita "cartoon".  cerita yang paling best pernah admin tonton masa kecil dulu adalah POWER RANGERS.  Dulu ase macam ade "power" bila gaduh nan sedara.  haha. budak-budak biasalah.
Mighty Morphin 1995

setelah sekian lama Power Ranger Mighty Morphin tamat, berpuluh tahun jugak lah sebab last movie tahun 95, tapi pada Bulan 3 ini ,tahun 2017 akan ade keluar satu lagi movie Power Rangers.
Power rangers 2017Power rangers

Tak sabar rasenye nak tengok. hahaha.  costume yang asal telah diubah dan design costume agak modern megikut arus semasa.

"High school outcasts stumble upon an old alien ship, where they acquire superpowers and are dubbed the Power Rangers. Learning that an old enemy of the previous generation has returned to exact vegenance, the group must harness their powers and use them to work together and save the world."

sedikit sinopsis tentang Power Ranger yang bakal ditayangkan pada bulan 3 ini. 

itu shaja yang ingin dikongsikan kepada kalian semua. 
